Why do we need JS Framework?
In a layman’s language, JS frameworks are facilitators in JavaScript that help in getting the work done with minimal or no configuration. There is no denying the fact that JS is a popular language that easily works for web development both on the front and back end.
Frameworks provide the necessary foundation to the developers in the developing process of JS applications so that they do not have to start from scratch. When talking about JS- the foundation we are talking about includes a vast collection of code libraries.
What do framework libraries do?
Interestingly, when it comes to the real libraries of the world- their work amounts to the same. Like a physical library of books, that stands to hold a massive knowledge of everything yet when you go to the library, certain sections help you pick up the books that you want to study- they segregate in themselves the knowledge, the framework libraries work in a certain rhythm as well. They compile the code that facilitates specific functionality that the developer needs for the specific type of app he or she is working on. Overall, the framework will end up choosing or defining the structure of the entire application, because of the libraries you will be using.
Why are frameworks popular?
JavaScript frameworks have progressed in leaps and bounds in the last few years in the world of web development. They have largely made it possible to make mobile applications available through the accessibility they provide. Consequently, it has helped in building rich clientage as well. They have succeeded because of a lot of reasons.
They provide a comprehensive model of development.
Along with that, they provide HTTP services, animation, and event management.
They have intra application messaging, and provide the support features that nearly every application needs.
They provide expertise in creating components and for URL and declarative routing.
They also provide a module system that bifurcates code from the rest.
Other than this, there are other reasons that one can fall prey to them for thinking of the necessary space modern frameworks have carved out in the development process. These are common yet worth mentioning. For example-
They are supported by a strong community.
They are based on components.
They are replete with third-party libraries and have beneficial third-party components.
They help to debug through browser extensions.
They are great for doing single-page applications.
However, along with this- frameworks fulfill another function- they help you to keep the UI in sync with the state. Meaning whenever you are filling detail in a form while implementing a web application you want to invite people through their email addresses. There is this label that tells you to write the email addresses of all the people that you want to include. When you enter the email address, you are adding the email address in the array and updating the UI. When the user deletes any of the email addresses in the array, as a developer you delete the address and update the UI. You need to update the UI as you change the state.
If you try writing code for this in JavaScript, it is not readable and you have to re-define the UI in two different parts. If you use HTML- it could be less efficient and can cause Cross-Site Scripting bugs. Even when you want to use a template engine, by regenerating a big subtree of the DOm- you create inefficiency and more event handlers to reconnect.
But the biggest problem is the need to update the UI on every state change. Every time the state gets changed, a lot of code needs to be written to update the UI as well. If used through vanilla implementation for the execution of the complex UI, it will take a plethora of code which otherwise could be sufficed in a couple of lines if used through a framework.
How do you choose the best Framework for your use?
JS frameworks will always be beneficial if you are choosing to write in the JS language. They are ideal in today’s world because they save both your time and money. Understanding the key and foundational value of your JS framework is an important step in optimizing your web development process.
Now when you get to understand what JS framework is, try understanding which framework would fit in better as per your needs. For that you need more to explore more,
Node.js is quite popular among the frameworks because of its runtime environment and deployment with other frameworks. AngularJS is also popular because of its reputation as being one of the oldest frameworks.
Wrapping Up-
A few years back, these problems were difficult to tackle individually and manage in an application. Frameworks have comprehensively integrated these features. They bring stability better than individual components.
AngularJS, Ember, ReactJs, Wijmo, KendoUI- these are some popular frameworks that have established and ground themselves into the mainstream JS developer.
When it comes to JS-based mobile frameworks- Telerik’s Application Platform, NativeScript, Onsen Ui, Ionic are quite popular and based on complex frameworks.