Top Audio Player Library for React Native Apps In 2022

Top Audio Player Libraries for React Native apps in the market.

Alex Pritchett
Bits and Pieces


With the advent of React Native, cross-platform app development has become much easier. By allowing developers to use JavaScript for both the front-end and back-end of their apps,

React Native has removed a lot of the complexity from the process. This has made it possible for more developers to create high-quality apps that can be deployed on multiple platforms.

One area where React Native really shines is in audio playback. Thanks to the library’s easy integration with various audio formats, is possible in React Native apps.

Looking for a top-quality audio player library for your React Native app? Look no further! In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best audio player libraries for React Native.

We’ll also discuss why you need an audio player library and help you decide which one is right for your project. So whether you’re looking for a library that supports streaming or one that offers extensive customization options, we’ve got you covered.

When it comes to creating a successful React Native app, having a great audio player library is essential. Not only does it give your users an enjoyable experience, but it can also help set your app apart from the competition. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the top audio player libraries for React Native apps in 2022.

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Why use an audio player library in your React Native app?

When you work on a React Native project, you may need an audio player library. This is because React Native doesn’t have built-in audio playback capabilities.

There are many audio player libraries for React Native. Why would you want to use one in your app? There are a few straightforward reasons:

1. Save time and development effort

Audio player libraries can provide a lot of features and functionality that you would otherwise have to develop yourself. This can save you a lot of time and effort.

2. Provide a better user experience

Audio player libraries can provide a better user experience than you could develop on your own. They can provide features such as playlists, scrubbing, seeking, etc.

3. Improve performance

Audio player libraries do assure to provide better quality audio than many other non-react libraries.

You can find several different audio player libraries for React Native, but we recommend using react-native-audio-player. It’s a popular library with a large community and it has a lot of features.

React-native-audio-player has a simple API that makes it easy to use. It also includes features like seeking, scrubbing, and volume control. You can use it to play both local and remote files.

What are the top audio player libraries for React Native apps in 2022?

There are plenty of audio player libraries for React Native apps in the market. But, not all of them are made equal. Some are better than others. Here is a list of the top audio player libraries for React Native apps in 2022:

1. React-native-audio

React Native Audio is a react-native library for recording and playing audio on iOS and Android. It provides a simple API to play sound effects, background music, and voice recordings in your React Native apps.


npm install react-native-audio — save


import React, { Component } from ‘react’; 
import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View } from ‘react-native’; import Audio from ‘react-native-audio’;

2. React-native-sound

React Native Sound is a library that makes working with sound in React Native easy. It provides an API to play sounds, record audio, and mix audio. You can use it to add sound effects to your app, create background music, or let users record audio.

React Native Sound is a library that allows you to easily play sound effects and music in your React Native apps. It’s open-source, easy to use, and works on both iOS and Android.

To install React Native Sound, run the following command:

npm install react-native-sound — save

Then, import it into your project:

import { Sound } from ‘react-native-sound’;Usage is very simple. Just create a new Sound object, specify the URI of the sound file, and play it:var sound = new Sound();

3. React-Native-Track-Player

React Native Track Player is a music player for React-native. It is a simple, fast, and powerful music player for React Native. You can use it to play your local music files and also stream songs from SoundCloud.


  • Simple and easy to use
  • Play local music files and stream songs from SoundCloud
  • Customizable with different themes
  • Control the playback with buttons and gestures

4. React-native-audio-recorder-player

React Native Audio Recorder Player is a react native audio recorder and player module with pause, resume, stop and seek functionality. You can use this module to record or play audio files in your react native applications.

This React Native Audio Recorder Player module provides a simple and easy-to-use API to record and play audio files. You can use this module to record or play audio files in your React Native applications.

The module provides the following functionality:

  • Recording and playing audio files
  • Pausing, resuming, and stopping audio playback
  • Seeking any position in the audio file

You can install it using:

npm install react-native-audio-recorder-player — save

Then, in your React Native project, add the following import:

import React , { Component } from ‘react’; 
import { AudioRecorder , Player } from ‘react-native-audio-recorder-player’;

5. React-native-media

React Native Media is a powerful library that lets you easily play audio and video files in your React Native apps. It provides a simple and consistent API for playing both local and remote files and includes extensive support for subtitles, captions, and other media features.

React Native Media is open source, so you can contribute to its development or use it in your own projects.

The react-native-media library provides a simple, yet powerful way to playback media files on Android and iOS devices. It wraps the MediaPlayer and AVPlayer classes provided by the respective platforms, making it easy to play audio and video files.

React-native-media is open source and available on GitHub. If you’re looking for a way to play back media files in your React Native app, then this library is definitely worth checking out.

How does each of these libraries stack up against each other?

We have three major growing libraries that stack up against each other:

  • React-native-sound
  • React-native-audio
  • React-native-media

All three of these audio player libraries for React Native apps are fairly popular, and they all have their own benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a quick overview of each one:

  • React-native-sound is a fairly simple library that allows you to play sounds and music files from your app. It has good documentation and a wide range of features. However, it can be a little bit buggy at times.
  • React-native-audio is a more complex library that allows you to create custom audio effects and playback audio files. It also has a wide range of features, but it is more difficult to learn and use.
  • React Native Media provides a simple and consistent API for playing both local and remote files and includes extensive support for subtitles, captions, and other media features. But it has a drawback, which is that it only supports audio files.

Fortunately, there is a React Native library called react-native-video-player to play video in your React Native app. It is easy to use and well documented.

Now it is up to your requirement and knowledge of how to stack these libraries according to your perspective.


There are various audio player libraries for React Native apps in the market. However, not all of them are created equal. Some of them are outdated and don’t offer the features that developers need to create high-quality audio playback experiences for their users.

In this article, we looked at some of the most popular audio player libraries for React Native apps. Ultimately, you should pick the one that best suits your needs. We hope that reading this article has helped you make that decision.

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A tech geek. I write what interests me. An autodidact. Technical writer and a software developer.